Fragmentary filaments of past we become, every word, thought and deed verily stray to being byproducts of past. Yet, who is this being we know now, this very moment in time? And even as we think, these thoughts become members of the past.

Keeping this in mind, who is it we see and hear? Whether in the mirror, inside our heads or even in the people and things we surround ourselves with. Who is that person?

Is it possible to know the real me? When all things being subjective, who should have the right to place a name? Being that I am made up of a conglomeration of instances which effectualize my leanings, does this give me enough authority to say whether I am or am not, when the one who thinks is not really I?

Who am I?

Am I that which I believe myself to be? But then, who is the believer and where does the belief come from?

One can see how very difficult it is to propose a surmountation of self, with the self being nothing but the past. You see... the self cannot comprehend itself, yet we carry this burden to the graves in an act of betrayal, much like the cellular structure within, where countless numbers of living organisms fight to survive, all only to end up in the same place.

Therefore, one must consider the total destruction of identity, or rather the perception of, to be a doorway to freedom, total and complete. Being that human nature appears to cling to the familiar, such a simple process can become an enigma to thy self. For it is that the one who looks, acts and chooses to be this or that, is as well, the one who bears restrictions.

In order to traverse the divide between polarities of yes and no, one need have an overlooking observation point from which to stand. However, as all things in the universal gravitate toward movement, this position will change as well.

One of the difficulties encountered along this narrow passing, is the counter reaction of ones’ surroundings. When an individual hasn’t an opinion, or rather changes them quite often, they are looked upon as being “flaky, weak or insolent.” People as a general rule, like to have somebody they “can count on.” Thereby creating just another number, hence statistic.

We tend to look for finite answers in a world filled with infinite possibilities. Each and every choice we make, has an affective responsibility we bear. The element for change is precluded in the values brought forth and mutated from childhood. Whether we are happy or not, sometimes become secondary in the laborious pursuit of keeping our conscience clean.

Our personal and effectual happiness, could very well be a barometer or insight into who we are inside, underneath layers of formulated responsiveness covering each individuals resplendence.

It is often I hear the remark that personal happiness is selfish and should therefore be avoided. However, one’s personal happiness has nothing to do with fulfilling desires, but has to do with the feeling we have within. Granted if one base their happiness on any one thing outside their self, it is bound to carry with it a disappointment at some place or time. The question here is: how do we feel about us?

Most certainly one could live a life of complete martyrdom, from another’s perspective, yet be happy and content doing so.  It is a fact that all tangible things have a span of time, to live then die. Intangible things, such as opinions, likes and so forth, as well have the same right to walk with time.

Man is not a machine, but yet the brain acts within diameters upon which our computer has quantification. So it is here we must question as to whether a computing program can become perceptually aware of what is outside the diametrical constitution of its inherent programming. Whereby questioning proposed theories played out in movies, such as Terminator, along with the thought of us as well being constructed at some point in time.

Many of these types of questions have gone unanswered for centuries, much like that of an afterlife, a god, devil, etc. The fallacy is when our happiness is based upon what is not present at the moment. One who continues with the “I’ll be happy when such and such” is only lying to themselves and will live under the umbrella of hopes that one day they will have what they want. In one sense, it is the hope which motivates and brings about an unerring drive toward a goal, but as well, contains one in a cavern of sadness alone.

This very well may quantify for personal selfishness, even if in that individuals internal dialogue the goal being sought after is for the good of mankind. Ages of wars have been fought on principles and the belief that it being for the greater good of things.  Wherein the taking of another’s life, for god or country, whatever the belief, is probably the most selfish act one could make.

The disregard we have for another to fulfill our right to carry any principle, only creates more distance between us all. The idea of hurting or stealing from another are the only two issues upon which we should be concerned, giving personal space the respect it deserves.

How is it that we as a people, can learn to grow beyond the heritage of the past and claim the most important independence of all? This is a path that each of us must travel alone till we reach the bridge that unifies all... respect.

Personal respect given over to whatever differences are between us is much easier to accept, if one be accepting of their self. Insecurity is what casts its shadow in the mirror of doubt as we look to compare our uniqueness to that of another. Proselytized by cultured value, we plague our self worth to want. Believe in your inherent possibilities and you won’t be sidetracked by another’s dope.

To be jealous of another for things you don’t have, we have only ourselves to turn to and change. Why hate another for what they have when you could have as well, whatever you like. No matter what the odds, no matter what the stakes, the same universal power that flows through another is just as potent within you. No matter what color, race, nationality and gender, it is all just a matter of self will and the belief in oneself.

By being jealous and spreading hate, we only perpetuate the distance between what we want, the other person as well as the power to achieve. It is always important to remember as well, that what we want is not always what we really want, but just an underlying fear that we are not good enough, therefore I shall prove.

When utilizing your natural abilities and enjoying the process, the proof comes in the work itself. There is no need for outlandish applause, attention and self-nobility. Just allow the current of creation to flow through and that will be all one could ever want, for in truth, nothing can compare.
Casting off the Veil
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